Finding your purpose chart


This is the most profound chart I have ever come across and it literally changed the direction of my life. Firstly you will need to fill in the things that excite you in every circle. when you have done this you will get an understanding of what comes naturally to you and this will reveal your talents.

The centre of the chart is your true Gift or talent it is a combination of all four parts. I had only wished I was introduced to this when I was in school. I would have made a bigger impact on the world sooner.

Remember the bigger the impact the bigger the income.

So what are you waiting for? Print this off right now and get started to exploring the real version of you. The version that has always been inside you but for some reason been locked out because of school and society programing.

Go out and be the best version of you. You are an original that no one can copy EVER!!! no matter if some one tries to copy you they still cant copy you.

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About the Author : Mr Lee Chapman

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